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Greatest Powerful International Soul Winning Ministries.

To the Glory of Him whose NAME is above all names  


But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the Home of Righteousness.

Today Scripture :   March 2008 : Isaiah 60v1-3

1. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.2. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.3. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.



“My Word is strong and powerful. I sent it for your benefit, to teach you...that
you may walk on the platform of glory…! Many of the things you went through in
2006 were but a mirage. I already defeated everyone that is your enemy, all you
had to do was to walk on them! I have said to you, 'you shall tread upon snakes
and serpents and upon scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and
nothing shall by any means hurt you.

My Spirit has come upon you to open your eyes, so you may see the light. My
Spirit has come to dwell in you...to teach you the things of the kingdom...to show you that which I have laid up for you, and to give you the ability to live by them.
Your victory is as sure as my Kingdom is sure. Your victory is a settled fact. I
dwell in the light of your victory, therefore walk in the light of your victory....I
called you to walk in power; I called you to walk in glory. Did you say how? It's
by my Spirit, saith the Lord!

“My word of creation is that which I have put in your heart, therefore by faith
speak it forth, and create the world that you want to live in! What is it that you
want to deal with or overcome in your life? By faith speak it forth!”

Your life should always be full of joy and excitement, because you’ve got a Helper, Comforter, Intercessor, Advocate, Counsellor, Strengthener, and Standby. How could you lose? It’s impossible for you to lose with the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit is an awesome personality; a wonderful personality. He leaves His presence everywhere and anywhere He chooses to. He also leaves His presence in places where we are well received and on people who welcome and receive us. Oh, what a blessing this is! His presence rubs off on anything that concerns us.  Take advantage of the Word. Do you know that you can open doors for yourself? Yes, you can, because the Holy Ghost is in you! He’s the One who tells you what is right in the Scriptures. He’s your Teacher. He helps you understand the Word. The most dangerous being in the earth is the Christian who knows the Word. To him, Anything is Possible!

Are you going to spend your life qouting great men, or are you going to become great and let someone else qoute you!

Wow what a wonderful year 2007, Greeting to you special someone this is your special year, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Almighty God image, please feel at home on this website, take your time to read through many more messages that are inspiring, life changing, purpose giving, life giving messages and many word of wisdom from the word of God! Jesus Christ is wonderful, Love Him more!!!

Your's in Christ Katlego Powerful!

To the Glory of Him whose NAME is above all names

Have You Accepted God's Free Gift?

God loves you. He loves you and me so much ...that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV). The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In other words, we have all missed the mark. But if we will admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, God is faithful and true to His word and will forgive us and wash us clean from everything wrong that we've ever done (see 1 John 1:9).

If you have never invited Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, we invite you to do so now. The Bible promises that when you pray a prayer like the one written here from your heart, you will experience a new life in Christ. Simply read it aloud and mean it from your heart. Say:

Father, I come to You just as I am. There is nothing I can do to earn salvation I cannot work my way into a right relationship with You. The Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith as a gift from You. I confess that I have sinned against You and others. I ask You to forgive me and wash me clean with the precious, life-giving blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son. I believe that He died for me—He took my sin upon Himself and died on the cross for me. And I believe that He was raised from the dead, giving me power over the enemy. Jesus, I ask You to come live inside of me. I don't understand everything about being a Christian, but I invite You into my life to help me learn daily how I am to live. Thank You, Father, for Your gift of restoration and eternal life. I am so grateful for Your love and mercy. In Jesus' name, amen.

See John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 10:9,10; 1 Corinthians 15:3,4; 1 John 1:9; 4:14-16; 5:1,12,13.

If you have just prayed this prayer, please let us know by emailing to us at powerful@pnetmail.co.za. We would like to include you in our prayers and help you begin your new life in Jesus!

We encourage you to include your phone number and e-mail address so that we can serve you better through any necessary correspondence.


"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity" (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Love is the highest calling of every Believer. When you walk in love, you open the door for the blessings and power of God to flow in your life.


The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.

Walking in the Spirit: God’s Way or Man’s?Are you tired of searching for answers that seem impossible to find? Every day, someone or something influences the decisions we make, from talk shows, news programs to our co-workers and families. Often, this advice leads to a dead end. What does God have to say about your situation? And can you really know for sure it is His voice you are hearing? This site is designed to answer most of your questions, read prayerfully and take your time!


Briging the Excellence of the Gospel to the Nations.


1. God will assign an angel to you.
2. God will be an enemy to your enemies.
3. God will give you prosperity.
4. God will take sickness away from you.
5. God will give you a long life.
6. God will bring increase and inheritance.
7. God will give a special year of blessing.


God has a specific plan and purpose for each of us. Yet, many people wander aimlessly through life, wondering what their purpose is. They often experience feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction because they aren’t really doing what they were created to do. To experience true fulfillment, it is important that we discover God’s purpose for our lives...